12 oktober 2009

Op Bezoek bij ...Overgrootmoeder

That's Dutch for visiting great-grandmother

Jools's great-grandmother Mrs. De Boer lives in Diemen, close to Sue.
Ingeborg and Aunty Kiki went round with Jools.

International Babe of Mystery

Joolsie got her first passport

Pretty smart, we thought...
Amazing how Ingeborg got her to sit still!

05 oktober 2009

Grandma & Grumpa : BabyBjorn

No, not tickets to the ABBA revival tour... ;)

Even better : a mega-handy baby-carrier
This way we can potter around with the baby - hands free !
Thanks very much!


Wow, my colleagues have really great taste in presents!

My dear colleagues at Fronteer Strategy made Jools a 'trappelzakje' in the Fs house style and colours. She loves it - sleeps in it every night.

Wouldn't mind one myself :)