30 augustus 2009

36th Wedding Anniversay in Muiderberg

Grandma Magda & Grandpa Jacques (Madge & Jack) celebrate their wedding anniversary

Ingeborg's parents invited 'the children' over for a posh lunch in Muiderberg. Remembering how glad my mum & dad were with theirs, we gave M&J a digital picture frame. As you can see, everyone liked it :).

Rotterdammers in Mokum

Karen, Nathalie, Charlotte, Frederiek, Brian, Pieter, Olivier, Julius and Alexander come to visit from Kralingen/Hillegersberg

Brian & Pieter, my great friends from university came to visit with their wives and children.

29 augustus 2009


How cool is this picture of Jools that Ingeborg took?

Lennart, Rik & Emile

Three of my favorite friends come to meet Jools

Emile was over from Stuttgart for a weekend for Peggy's wedding, so an excellent opportunity to come & see Jools, together with Rik and Lennart.


Our next door neighbour Carolien drops in to say hello

Off to Peggy & Bastiaan's wedding!

Jools's debut at a social event

My lovely friend Peggy Bussing got married to her long-time boyfriend Bastiaan today.
A great occasion for all of us to dress up & go to a party.

The wedding & reception were held at a shipyard museum in the East part of town, really lovely.
It was also a great way to introduce Jools to a large group of our friends.

Peggy and Bastiaan were there, with their supercute daughter Fay. Tanja & Rik and their daughter Frida, Suzan, Harm & Anouk, Friso & Suzanne, Patrick my old mate from Ascrum, Hanneke & Frans, Mechteld, Bernadette, Inez & Andre, Martje, Nirit... it was very gezellig!

What's your name girlfriend ?

The Princess Sleeps

Probably the sweetest baby on earth

27 augustus 2009

Grandad comes to visit!

Grandpa Andy visits from Paris

On his way to stay with cousins Niek and Maarten (a.k.a. Hannes), Grandpa Andy pops in fresh off the train to say hi to Jools. Polite and entertaining as she is, Jools engaged in some lively discussion (er... no she's not sleeping, dad. She's thinking about architecture ;))

(Thanks for the flowers, Pastis and vintage cot blanket dad! Perhaps we'll see you tomorrow!)

Bouquet Reeks / Harlequin Romance Novel

A photo story from Silver !

One of the most creative pieces of congratulatory mail arrived from Pauline, Silver and Marcel Metz today: a home-made photo story, starring little action-hero Silver himself!



A lovely card and VERY fashionable outfit arrived in the mail today, from the team at Glamour Magazine. So now we know what Jools should wear when she's sitting front row at her next catwalk show...

Thanks Ladies!

Leopard Prints are soooo next season!

Aunty Saar Likes Leopards

Saar, one of Ingeborgs friends from Muiderberg, lives in our part of town so we see her 'down the pub' now and then. She came by and gave Jools some extremely funky attire...

Ad & Ineke

Ad & Ineke come to visit Jools.

Ineke & Magda used to study together, some time way back in the last century (haha!). They're close friends of Magda & Jacques and have know Ingeborg since she was only a pint high.

Apology to all our loved ones abroad

Looks like I owe you an apology... and 33cents :(
Dad just popped in on his way to Sue, Niek, Maarten and Erik, and he told me that he and Mum still hadn't received their card.

Turns out, that sending a card abroad costs 77 cents rather than the regular 44. In the rush to get them out, we didn't take time to double check. This probably explains why some of you have either not yet received their card... or have received one with a Postage Fine on it.

Terribly sorry to all concerned for the 'debt' and inconvenience. We're sending out a new batch tonight.

Baby Jools meets baby Nout

Just one week after baby Nout van Wingerden was born baby Jools visited him. Both baby's

25 augustus 2009

1 + 0,5 + 0,5 Twins + 2 babies and 3 guys

No, not a chemical formula, but a description of tonight's baby-bezoek!

Who was in Jools's crib this evening?
- Eva and Odessa (1 complete set of twins)
- Lisemarie (half of a set of twins)
- Ingeborg (also half of a set of twins)
- Valerie (Lisemarie's little girl)
- Jools (...)
- and then 3 fairly pointless accessories : Michael (belongs with Odessa), Olivier (...with Lisemarie) and yours truly (on camera duty)

More 'Bezoek' !

Saskia and her mother Mensia popped in this afternoon.
And brought us a wonderful mouse!!

Ome Arie... van Tante San !

Kind wishes from the whole Veenhoff-Versteeg-Van Stek family pour in too...

Although there aren't too many nieces, nephews, brothers and sisters in my family (i'm stuck with just Sue & Jessica ;)) and Aunty Jane (haha) and Uncle George, there are in fact a large number of very wonderful great-aunts, great-uncles and other members of my extended family linked to my lovely late-grandma Els.

How exactly we are related, nobody knows. But he is, allegedly 'Ome Arie', and to avoid any misunderstanding about which uncle Arie he is further specified as: 'Ome Arie van Tante San' (

Anyway... Oom Arie van Tante San sent me one of the funniest cards we received so far - which i've translated for your entertainment:

We wish you the best of luck, strenght and wisdom raising your baby
You'll most likely need it

Thanks Oom Arie & Tante Janine

24 augustus 2009

Aunty Jorna & Aunty Caroline turn up

The Funky Aunts drop by to say HI

Thanks for the sheep!

23 augustus 2009

Ollie made us a drawing :)

Thanks Ollie,

22 augustus 2009


Sunny Amsterdam

Since the weather was so nice, we decided to stroll around town in our brand new Bugaboo stroller. Jools appears to like it :)